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       (armed-callback pane (gadget-client pane) (gadget-id pane))
       (with-sheet-medium (medium pane)
         (highlight-button pane medium)))))

 ;; When the user releases the button and the button is still armed,
 ;; call the activate callback.
 (defmethod handle-event ((pane push-button-pane) (event pointer-button-release-event))
   (with-slots (armed) pane
     (when (eql armed ':button-press)
       (activate-callback pane (gadget-client pane) (gadget-id pane))
       (setf armed t)
       (with-sheet-medium (medium pane)
         (highlight-button pane medium)))))

30.3 Basic Gadget Classes

The following are the basic gadget classes upon which all abstract gadgets are built.

=> gadget [Protocol Class]
The protocol class that corresponds to a gadget, a subclass of pane. If you want to create a new
class that behaves like a gadget, it should be a subclass of gadget. Subclasses of gadget must
obey the gadget protocol.

All of the subclasses of gadget are mutable.

=> gadgetp object [Function]
Returns true if object is a gadget, otherwise returns false.

=> standard-gadget [Class]
The standard class on which all CLIM gadgets are built.

=> :id [Init Arg]
=> :client [Init Arg]
=> :armed-callback [Init Arg]
=> :disarmed-callback [Init Arg]
All subclasses of gadget must handle these four initargs, which are used to specify, respectively,
the gadget id, client, armed callback, and disarmed callback of the gadget.

=> gadget-id gadget [Generic Function]
=> (setf gadget-id) id gadget [Generic Function]
Returns (or sets) the gadget id of the gadget gadget. The id is typically a simple Lisp object
that uniquely identifies the gadgets.

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