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Chapter 19

Bordered Output

CLIM provides a mechanism for surrounding arbitrary output with some kind of a border. The
programmer annotates some output-generating code with an advisory macro that describes the
type of border to be drawn. The following code produces the output shown in Figure 19.1.
For example, the following produces three pieces of output, surrounded by a rectangular, high-
lighted with a dropshadow, and underlined, respectively.
 (defun border-test (stream)
   (fresh-line stream)
   (surrounding-output-with-border (stream :shape :rectangle)
     (format stream "This is some output with a rectangular border"))
   (terpri stream) (terpri stream)
   (surrounding-output-with-border (stream :shape :drop-shadow)
     (format stream "This has a drop-shadow under it"))
   (terpri stream) (terpri stream)
   (surrounding-output-with-border (stream :shape :underline)
     (format stream "And this output is underlined")))
Figure 19.1: Examples of bordered output.

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