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Chapter 11

Text Styles

When specifying a particular "appearance" for rendered characters, there is a tension between
portability and access to specific font for a display device. CLIM provides a portable mechanism
for describing the desired text style in abstract terms. Each CLIM "port" defines a mapping
between these abstract style specifications and particular device-specific fonts. In this way,
an application programmer can specify the desired text style in abstract terms secure in the
knowledge that an appropriate device font will be selected at run time by CLIM. However, some
programmers may require direct access to particular device fonts. The text style mechanism
supports specifying device fonts by name, allowing the programmer to sacrifice portability for

11.1 Text Styles

Text style objects have components for family, face, and size. Not all of these attributes need
be supplied for a given text style object. Text styles can be merged in much the same way as
pathnames are merged; unspecified components in the style object (that is, components that
have nil in them) may be filled in by the components of a "default" style object. A text style
object is called fully specified if none of its components is nil, and the size component is not a
relative size (that is, is neither :smaller nor :larger).

=> text-style [Protocol Class]
The protocol class for text styles. If you want to create a new class that behaves like a text
style, it should be a subclass of text-style. Subclasses of text-style must obey the text style

=> text-style-p object [Function]
Returns true if object is a text style, otherwise returns false.

=> standard-text-style [Class]

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