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 (defmethod highlight-button ((pane push-button-pane) medium)
   (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) (sheet-region pane)
     (draw-rectangle* medium left top right bottom
                      :ink +flipping-ink+ :filled t)))

 ;; Compute the amount of space required by a PUSH-BUTTON-PANE
 (defmethod compose-space ((pane push-button-pane) &key width height)
   (multiple-value-bind (width height)
       (compute-gadget-label-size pane)
     (make-space-requirement :width width :height height)))

 ;; This gets invoked to draw the push button.
 (defmethod repaint-sheet ((pane push-button-pane) region)
   (declare (ignore region))
   (with-sheet-medium (medium pane)
     (let ((text (gadget-label pane))
           (text-style (slot-value pane 'text-style))
           (armed (slot-value pane 'armed))
           (region (sheet-region pane)))
       (multiple-value-call #'draw-rectangle*
                            medium (bounding-rectangle* (sheet-region pane))
                            :filled nil)
       (draw-text medium text (clim-utils::bounding-rectangle-center region)
                  :text-style text-style
                  :align-x ':center :align-y ':top)
       (when (eql armed ':button-press)
         (highlight-button pane medium)))))

 ;; When we enter the push button's region, arm it.
 (defmethod handle-event ((pane push-button-pane) (event pointer-enter-event))
   (with-slots (armed) pane
     (unless armed
       (setf armed t)
       (armed-callback pane (gadget-client pane) (gadget-id pane)))))

 ;; When we leave the push button's region, disarm it.
 (defmethod handle-event ((pane push-button-pane) (event pointer-exit-event))
   (with-slots (armed) pane
     (when armed
       (when (eql armed ':button-press)
         (highlight-button pane medium))
     (setf armed nil)
     (disarmed-callback pane (gadget-client pane) (gadget-id pane)))))

 ;; When the user presses a pointer button, ensure that the button
 ;; is armed, and highlight it.
 (defmethod handle-event ((pane push-button-pane) (event pointer-button-press-event))
   (with-slots (armed) pane
     (unless armed
       (setf armed ':button-press)

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