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=> gadget-client gadget [Generic Function]
=> (setf gadget-client) client gadget [Generic Function]
Returns the client of the gadget gadget. The client is usually an application frame, but it could
be another gadget (for example, in the case of a push button that is contained in a radio box).

=> gadget-armed-callback gadget [Generic Function]
=> gadget-disarmed-callback gadget [Generic Function]
Returns the functions that will be called when the armed or disarmed callback, respectively, are
invoked. These functions will be invoked with a single argument, the gadget.

When these functions return nil, that indicates that there is no armed (or disarmed) callback
for the gadget.

=> armed-callback gadget client gadget-id [Callback Generic Function]
=> disarmed-callback gadget client gadget-id [Callback Generic Function]
These callbacks are invoked when the gadget gadget is, respectively, armed or disarmed. The
exact definition of arming and disarming varies from gadget to gadget, but typically a gadget
becomes armed when the pointer is moved into its region, and disarmed when the pointer moves
out of its region.

The default methods (on standard-gadget) call the function stored in gadget-armed-callback
or gadget-disarmed-callback with one argument, the gadget.

=> activate-gadget gadget [Generic Function]
Causes the host gadget to become active, that is, available for input.

=> deactivate-gadget gadget [Generic Function]
Causes the host gadget to become inactive, that is, unavailable for input. In some environments
this may cause the gadget to become grayed over; in others, no visual effect may be detected.

=> note-gadget-activated client gadget [Generic Function]
This function is invoked after a gadget is made active.

=> note-gadget-deactivated client gadget [Generic Function]
This function is invoked after a gadget is made inactive.

=> value-gadget [Class]
The class used by gadgets that have a value; a subclass of standard-gadget.

=> :value [Init Arg]
=> :value-changed-callback [Init Arg]
All subclasses of value-gadget must handle these two initargs, which are used to specify, re-

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