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a value of type pane. define-application-frame automatically supplies a generate-panes
method if either the :pane or :panes option is used in the define-application-frame.

=> find-pane-for-frame frame-manager frame [Generic Function]
This function is invoked by a standard method of adopt-frame. It must return the root pane
of the frame's layout. It is the responsibility of the frame implementor to provide a method
that constructs the frame's top-level pane. define-application-frame automatically sup-
plies a a method for this function if either the :pane or :panes option is used in the define-

=> note-command-enabled frame-manager frame command-name [Generic Function]
=> note-command-disabled frame-manager frame command-name [Generic Function]
Notifies the frame manager frame-manager that the command named by command-name has
been enabled or disabled (respectively) in the frame frame. The frame manager can update the
appearance of the user interface as appropriate, for instance, by "graying out" a newly disabled
command from a command menu or menu bar.

28.5.3 Frame Manager Settings

CLIM provides frame manager settings in order to allow a frame to communicate information
to its frame manager.

=> (setf client-setting) value frame setting [Generic Function]
Sets the setting setting to value for the frame frame.

=> reset-frame frame &rest new-client-settings [Generic Function]
Resets the settings of frame. reset-frame invokes a protocol that forces the frame manager to
notice that the settings have changed, where the setf generic function just updates the frame
data. For example, the width and height can be reset to force resizing of the window.

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