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28.5.2 Frame Manager Operations

=> frame-manager frame [Generic Function]
Returns the current frame manager of frame if it is adopted, otherwise returns nil.

=> (setf frame-manager) frame-manager frame [Generic Function]
Changes the frame manager of frame to frame-manager. In effect, the frame is disowned from its
old frame manager and is adopted into the new frame manager. Transferring a frame preserves
its frame-state, for example, if the frame was previously enabled it will be enabled in the new
frame manager.

=> frame-manager-frames frame-manager [Generic Function]
Returns a list of all of the frames being managed by frame-manager. This function returns
objects that reveal CLIM's internal state; do not modify those objects.

=> adopt-frame frame-manager frame [Generic Function]
=> disown-frame frame-manager frame [Generic Function]
These functions insert or remove a frame from a frame manager's control. These functions allow
a frame manager to allocate and deallocate resources associated with a frame. For example,
removing a frame from a frame manager that is talking to a remote server allows it to release
all remote resources used by the frame.

=> frame-state frame [Generic Function]
Returns one of :disowned, :enabled, :disabled, or :shrunk, indicating the current state of

=> enable-frame frame [Generic Function]
=> disable-frame frame [Generic Function]
=> shrink-frame frame [Generic Function]
These functions force a frame into the enabled, disabled, or shrunken states. A frame in the
enabled state may be visible if it is not occluded or placed out of the user's focus of attention.
A disabled frame is never visible. A shrunk frame is accessible to the user for re-enabling, but
may be represented in some abbreviated form, such as an icon or a menu item.

These functions call note-frame-state-changed to notify the frame manager that the state of
the frame changed.

=> note-frame-state-changed frame-manager frame new-state [Generic Function]
Notifies the frame manager frame-manager that the frame frame has changed its state to state.

=> generate-panes frame-manager frame [Generic Function]
This function is invoked by a standard method of adopt-frame. It is the responsibility of the
frame implementor to provide a method that invokes setf of frame-pane on the frame with

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