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=> invoke-with-text-style medium continuation text-style [Generic Function]
Binds the current text style of the medium medium to correspond to the new text style, and
calls the function continuation with the new text style in effect. text-style may either a text style
object or a style spec (that is, a list of the a family, a face code, and a size). continuation is a
function of one argument, the medium; it has dynamic extent.

medium can be a medium, a sheet that supports the sheet output protocol, or a stream that
outputs to such a sheet. All classes that obey the medium protocol must implement a method
for invoke-with-text-style.

=> with-text-family (medium family) &body body [Macro]
=> with-text-face (medium face) &body body [Macro]
=> with-text-size (medium size) &body body [Macro]
Binds the current text style of the medium designated by medium to correspond to a new text
style consisting of the current text style with the new family, face, or size (respectively) merged
in. face, family, and size are as for make-text-style. body is executed with the new text style
in effect.

The medium argument is not evaluated, and must be a symbol that is bound to a sheet or
medium. If medium is t, *standard-output* is used. body may have zero or more declarations
as its first forms.

These macros are "convenience" forms of with-text-style that must expand into calls to

11.3 Controlling Text Style Mappings

Text styles are mapped to fonts using the text-style-mapping function, which takes a port, a
character set, and a text style and returns a font object. All ports must implement methods for
the following generic functions, for all classes of text style.

The objects used to represent a font mapping are unspecified and are likely to vary from port to
port. For instance, a mapping might be some sort of font object on one type of port, or might
simply be the name of a font on another.

Minor issue: We still need to describe what a device font is. Ditto, character sets. | SWM

Part of initializing a port is to define the mappings between text styles and font names for the
port's host window system.

=> text-style-mapping port text-style &optional character-set [Generic Function]
Returns the font mapping that will be used when rendering characters in the character set
character-set in the text style text-style on any medium on the port port. If there is no mapping
associated with character-set and text-style on port, then some other object will be returned that
corresponds to the "unmapped" text style.

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