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mirror), sheet-mirror returns nil.

=> sheet-mirrored-ancestor sheet [Generic Function]
Returns the nearest mirrored ancestor of the sheet sheet.

=> sheet-mirror sheet [Generic Function]
Returns the mirror of the sheet sheet. If the sheet is not itself mirrored, sheet-mirror returns
the direct mirror of its nearest mirrored ancestor. sheet-mirror could be implemented as:
 (defun sheet-mirror (sheet)
   (sheet-direct-mirror (sheet-mirrored-ancestor sheet)))
=> realize-mirror port mirrored-sheet [Generic Function]
Creates a mirror for the sheet mirrored-sheet on the port port, if it does not already have one.
The returned value is the sheet's mirror.

9.4.2 Internal Interfaces for Native Coordinates

Minor issue: Do these functions work on any sheet, or only on sheets that have a mirror, or
only on sheets that have a direct mirror? Also, define what a "native coordinate" are. Also, do
sheet-device-transformation and sheet-device-region really account for the user's trans-
formation and clipping region? | SWM

=> sheet-native-transformation sheet [Generic Function]
Returns the transformation for the sheet sheet that converts sheet coordinates into native coor-
dinates. The object returned by this function is volatile, so programmers must not depend on
the components of the object remaining constant.

=> sheet-native-region sheet [Generic Function]
Returns the region for the sheet sheet in native coordinates. The object returned by this function
is volatile, so programmers must not depend on the components of the object remaining constant.

=> sheet-device-transformation sheet [Generic Function]
Returns the transformation used by the graphics output routines when drawing on the mirror.
This is the composition of the sheet's native transformation and the user transformation. The
object returned by this function is volatile, so programmers must not depend on the components
of the object remaining constant.

=> sheet-device-region sheet [Generic Function]
Returns the actual clipping region to be used when drawing on the mirror. This is the intersection
of the user's clipping region (transformed by the device transformation) with the sheet's native

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