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On a Unix host, if these values are not supplied, the defaults come from the DISPLAY environment
variable. Each CLIM implementation must describe how it uses such environment variables.

=> :genera &key screen [Server Path]

Minor issue: RSL claims that this is old and obsolete. What is the proposed replacement for
it? | SWM

=> *default-server-path* [Variable]
This special variable is used by find-port and its callers to default the choice of a display
service to locate. Binding this variable in a dynamic context will affect the defaulting of this
argument to these functions. This variable will be defaulted according to the environment. In
the Unix environment, for example, CLIM will attempt to set this variable based on the value
of the DISPLAY environment variable.

=> port object [Generic Function]
Returns the port associated with object. port is defined for all sheet classes (including grafts
and streams that support the CLIM graphics protocol), mediums, and application frames. For
degrafted sheets or other objects that aren't currently associated with particular ports, port will
return nil.

=> with-port-locked port &body body [Macro]
Executes body after grabbing a lock associated with the port port, which may be a port or any
object on which the function port works. If object currently has no port, body will be executed
without locking.

body may have zero or more declarations as its first forms.

=> port-server-path port [Generic Function]
Returns the server path associated with the port port.

=> port-properties port indicator [Generic Function]
=> (setf port-properties) property port indicator [Generic Function]
These functions provide a port-based property list. They are primarily intended to support
users of CLIM that may need to associate certain information with ports. For example, the
implementor of a special graphics package may need to maintain resource tables for each port
on which it is used.

=> map-over-ports function [Function]
Invokes function on each existing port. Function is a function of one argument, the port; it has
dynamic extent.

=> restart-port port [Generic Function]
In a multi-process Lisp, restart-port restarts the global input processing loop associated with

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