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8.4.1 Repaint Protocol Functions

=> dispatch-repaint sheet region [Generic Function]
Requests a repaint of the region region within the sheet sheet. The region is given in sheet
coordinates. Depending on the class of the sheet, this may cause queue-repaint or handle-
to be invoked.

All CLIM implementations must support repainting for regions that are rectangles or region sets
composed entirely of rectangles.

=> queue-repaint sheet region [Generic Function]
Requests that a repaint event for the region region be placed in the input queue of the sheet
sheet. A program that reads events out of the queue will be expected to call handle-event
for the repaint region; the method for that generic function on repaint events will generally call

=> handle-repaint sheet medium region [Generic Function]
Recursively causes repainting of the sheet sheet and any of its children that overlap the region
region. medium is the medium to use for the repainting; if it is nil, handle-repaint will allocate
a medium and associate it with the sheet. handle-repaint will call repaint-sheet on sheet,
and then call handle-repaint on all of the children of sheet.

=> repaint-sheet sheet region [Generic Function]
Implements repainting for a given sheet class. It may only be called on a sheet that has an
associated medium. sheet and region are as for dispatch-repaint.

8.4.2 Repaint Protocol Classes

=> standard-repainting-mixin [Class]
Defines a dispatch-repaint method that calls queue-repaint.

=> immediate-repainting-mixin [Class]
Defines a dispatch-repaint method that calls handle-repaint.

=> mute-repainting-mixin [Class]
Defines a dispatch-repaint method that calls queue-repaint, and a method on repaint-
that does nothing. This means that its children will be recursively repainted when the
repaint event is handled.

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