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All subclasses of device-event must take the :sheet and :modifier-state initargs, which are
used to specify the sheet and modifier state components for the event.

=> event-sheet device-event [Generic Function]
Returns the sheet associated with the event device-event.

=> event-modifier-state device-event [Generic Function]
Returns a value that encodes the state of all the modifier keys on the keyboard. This will be
a mask consisting of the logior of +shift-key+, +control-key+, +meta-key+, +super-key+,
and +hyper-key+.

All device event classes must implement methods for event-sheet and event-modifier-state.

=> keyboard-event [Class]
=> :key-name [Init Arg]
The class that corresponds to any sort of keyboard event. This is a subclass of device-event.

All subclasses of keyboard-event must take the :key-name initarg, which is used to specify the
key name component for the event.

=> keyboard-event-key-name keyboard-event [Generic Function]
Returns the name of the key that was pressed or released in a keyboard event. This will be a
symbol whose value is port-specific. Key names corresponding to the set of "standard" characters
(such as the alphanumerics) will be a symbol in the keyword package.

=> keyboard-event-character keyboard-event [Generic Function]

Returns the character associated with the event keyboard-event, if there is any.

All keyboard event classes must implement methods for keyboard-event-key-name and keyboard-

=> key-press-event [Class]
=> key-release-event [Class]
The classes that correspond to a key press or release event. This is a subclass of keyboard-

=> pointer-event [Class]
=> :pointer [Init Arg]
=> :button [Init Arg]
=> :x [Init Arg]
=> :y [Init Arg]
The class that corresponds to any sort of pointer event. This is a subclass of device-event.

All subclasses of pointer-event must take the :pointer, :button, :x, and :y initargs, which

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