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This class of sheet provides a method for dispatch-event that calls queue-event on each device
event. Note that configuration events invoke handle-event immediately.

=> immediate-sheet-input-mixin [Class]
This class of sheet provides a method for dispatch-event that calls handle-event immediately
for all events.

=> mute-sheet-input-mixin [Class]
This is mixed in to any sheet class the does not handle any input events.

=> delegate-sheet-input-mixin [Class]
This class of sheet provides a method for dispatch-event that calls dispatch-event on a
designated substitute and the event. The initialization argument :delegate or the accessor
delegate-sheet-delegate may be used to set the recipient of dispatched events.

Minor issue: What is a "substitute" and how do you "designate" it? Is the substitute what
delegate-sheet-delegate returns? Does't this want an initarg for the substitute? | SWM

=> delegate-sheet-delegate sheet [Generic Function]
=> (setf delegate-sheet-delegate) delegate sheet [Generic Function]
This may be set to another recipient of events dispatched to a sheet of class delegate-sheet-
. If the delegate is nil, events are discarded.

8.2 Standard Device Events

An event is a CLIM object that represents some sort of user gesture (such as moving the pointer
or pressing a key on the keyboard) or that corresponds to some sort of notification from the
display server. Event objects store such things as the sheet associated with the event, the x and
y bposition of the pointer within that sheet, the key name or character corresponding to a key
on the keyboard, and so forth.

Figure 8.1 shows all the event classes.

=> event [Protocol Class]
The protocol class that corresponds to any sort of "event". If you want to create a new class
that behaves like an event, it should be a subclass of event. Subclasses of event must obey the
event protocol.

All of the event classes are immutable.

=> eventp object [Function]
Returns true if object is an event, otherwise returns false.

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