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make it visible. Ports and grafts provide the functionality for managing this capability. A port
is an abstract connection to a display service that is responsible for managing host display server
resources and for processing input events received from the host display server. A graft is a
special kind of sheet that represents a host window, typically a root window (that is, a screen-
level window). A sheet is attached to a display by making it a child of a graft, which represents
an appropriate host window. The sheet will then appear to be a child of that host window. So,
a sheet is put onto a particular screen by making it a child of an appropriate graft and enabling
it. Ports and grafts are described in detail in Chapter 9.

6.2 Properties of Sheets

Sheets have the following properties:

A coordinate system Provides the ability to refer to locations in a sheet's abstract plane.

A region Defines an area within a sheet's coordinate system that indicates the area of interest
within the plane, that is, a clipping region for output and input. This typically corresponds
to the visible region of the sheet on the display.

A parent A sheet that is the parent in a windowing relationship in which this sheet is a child.

Children An ordered set of sheets that are each a child in a windowing relationship in which
this sheet is a parent. The ordering of the set corresponds to the stacking order of the
sheets. Not all sheets have children.

A transformation Determines how points in this sheet's coordinate system are mapped into
points in its parents.

An enabled flag Indicates whether the sheet is currently actively participating in the window-
ing relationship with its parent and siblings.

An event handler A procedure invoked when the display server wishes to inform CLIM of
external events.

Output state A set of values used when CLIM causes graphical or textual output to appear
on the display. This state is often represented by a medium.

6.3 Sheet Protocols
A sheet is a participant in a number of protocols. Every sheet must provide methods for the
generic functions that make up these protocols. These protocols are:

The windowing protocol Describes the relationships between the sheet and its parent and
children (and, by extension, all of its ancestors and descendants).

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