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region set n. 1. A "compound" region, that is, a region consisting of several other regions
related by one of the operations union, intersection, or difference. 2. A Lisp object that
represents a region set.

rendering n. The process of drawing a shape (such as a line or a circle) on a display device.
Rendering is an approximate process, since an abstract shape exists in a continuous co-
ordinate system having infinite precision, whereas display devices must necessarily draw
discrete points having some measurable size.

replaying n. The process of redrawing a set of output records.

repainting n. |Fill this in|

sensitive adj. (of a presentation) A presentation is sensitive if some action will take place when
the user clicks on it with the pointer, that is, there is at least one presentation translator
that is applicable. In this case, the presentation will usually be highlighted.

server path n. |Fill this in|

sheet n. 1. |Fill this in|. 2. A Lisp object that represents a sheet.

sheet region n. |Fill this in|

sheet transformation n. |Fill this in|

solid design n. A design that is either completely opaque or completely transparent. A solid
design can be opaque at some points and transparent at others.

stencil n. A kind of pattern that contains only opacities.

stencil opacity n. The opacity at one point in a design that would result from drawing the
design onto a fictitious medium whose drawing plane is initially completely transparent
black (opacity and all color components are zero), and whose foreground and background
are both opaque black. The stencil opacity of an opacity is simply its value.

stream n. A kind of sheet that implements the stream protocol (such as maintaining a text

text cursor n. |Fill this in|

text style n. 1. A description of how textual output should appear, consisting of family, face
code, and size. 2. A Lisp object that represents a text style.

tiling n. The process of repeating a rectangular portion of a design throughout the drawing
plane. A tile is a design created by this process.

transformation n. 1. A mapping from one coordinate system onto another that preserves
straight lines. General transformations include all the sorts of transformations that CLIM
uses, namely, translations, scaling, rotations, and reflections. 2. A Lisp object that repre-
sents a transformation.

translucent design n. A design that is not solid, that is, has at least one point with an opacity
that is intermediate between completely opaque and transparent.

true n. 1. The boolean value true; not false. 2. Any Lisp object that is not nil.

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