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As the current selection changes, the previously selected button and the newly selected button
both have their value-changed-callback handlers invoked.

=> radio-box [Class]
The class that implements a radio box. It is a subclass of value-gadget and oriented-gadget.

=> :current-selection [Init Arg]
This is used to specify which button, if any, should be initially selected.

=> radio-box-current-selection radio-box [Generic Function]
=> (setf radio-box-current-selection) button radio-box [Generic Function]
Returns (or sets) the current selection for the radio box. The current selection will be one of the
toggle buttons in the box.

=> gadget-value (button radio-box) [Method]
Returns the selected button.

=> radio-box-pane [Class]
The class that implements a portable radio box; a subclass of radio-box.

=> with-radio-box (&rest options) &body body [Macro]
Creates a radio box whose buttons are created by the forms in body. The macro radio-box-
can be wrapped around one of forms in body in order to indicate that that
button is the current selection.

For example, the following creates a radio box with three buttons in it, the second of which is
initially selected.
 (with-radio-box ()
   (make-pane 'toggle-button :label "Mono")
     (make-pane 'toggle-button :label "Stereo"))
   (make-pane 'toggle-button :label "Quad"))

30.4.7 The text-field Gadget

The text-field gadget corresponds to a small field containing text.

=> text-field [Class]
The class that implements a text field. This is a subclass of value-gadget and action-gadget.

The value of a text field is the text string.

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