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invoked on the top-level pane.

=> frame-exit [Restart]
The restart that is invoked when frame-exit is called.

=> frame-exit frame [Generic Function]
Exits from the frame frame. The default method (on standard-application-frame) invokes
the frame-exit restart.

=> panes-need-redisplay frame [Generic Function]
=> pane-needs-redisplay frame pane [Generic Function]
panes-need-redisplay indicates that all of the panes in the frame frame should be redisplayed
the next time around the command loop. pane-needs-redisplay causes only the pane pane
within frame to be redisplayed the next time around the command loop; in this case, pane is
either a pane or the name of a named pane.

=> redisplay-frame-pane frame pane &key force-p [Generic Function]
Causes the pane pane within the frame frame to be redisplayed immediately. pane is either a
pane or the name of a named pane. When the boolean force-p is true, the maximum level of
redisplay is forced (that is, the pane is displayed "from scratch").

=> redisplay-frame-panes frame &key force-p [Generic Function]
redisplay-frame-panes causes all of the panes in the frame frame to be redisplayed immediately
by calling redisplay-frame-pane on each of the panes in frame that are visible in the current
layout. When the boolean force-p is true, the maximum level of redisplay is forced (that is, the
pane is displayed "from scratch").

=> frame-replay frame stream &optional region [Generic Function]
Replays the contents of stream in the frame frame within the region specified by the region
region, which defaults to viewport of stream.

=> notify-user frame format-string &rest format-args [Generic Function]
Notifies the user of some event on behalf of the frame frame. format-string and format-args are
arguments allowable by format.

This function is intended to provide a look and feel independent way for applications to commu-
nicate messages to the user. For example, a frame manager might provide a top-level message
window or a message window for each frame, or might pop up an alert box.

=> frame-properties frame property [Generic Function]
=> (setf frame-properties) value frame property [Generic Function]
Frame properties can be used to associate frame specific data with frames without adding addi-
tional slots to the frame's class. CLIM may use frame properties internally to store information

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