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method (on standard-application-frame) returns the first named pane of type application-
that is exposed in the current layout; if there is no such pane, it returns the first pane of
type interactor-pane that is exposed in the current layout.

=> frame-standard-input frame [Generic Function]
Returns the stream that will be used for *standard-input* for the frame frame. The default
method (on standard-application-frame) returns the first named pane of type interactor-
that is exposed in the current layout; if there is no such pane, the value returned by
frame-standard-output is used.

=> frame-query-io frame [Generic Function]
Returns the stream that will be used for *query-io* for the frame frame. The default method
(on standard-application-frame) returns the value returned by frame-standard-input; if
that is nil, it returns the value returned by frame-standard-output.

=> frame-error-output frame [Generic Function]
Returns the stream that will be used for *error-output* for the frame frame. The default
method (on standard-application-frame) returns the same value as frame-standard-output.

=> *pointer-documentation-output* [Variable]
This will be bound either to nil or to a stream on which pointer documentation will be displayed.

=> frame-pointer-documentation-output frame [Generic Function]
Returns the stream that will be used for *pointer-documentation-output* for the frame frame.
The default method (on standard-application-frame) returns the first pane of type pointer-
. If this returns nil, no pointer documentation will be generated for this

=> frame-calling-frame frame [Generic Function]
Returns the application frame that invoked the frame frame.

=> frame-parent frame [Generic Function]
Returns the object that acts as the parent for the frame frame. This often, but not always,
returns the same value as frame-manager.

=> frame-panes frame [Generic Function]
Returns a list of all of the frame frame's named panes. This includes panes in the current layout,
and panes in other layouts as well. If there are no named panes (that is, the :pane option
was used), only the single, top level pane is returned. This function returns objects that reveal
CLIM's internal state; do not modify those objects.

=> frame-current-panes frame [Generic Function]

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