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A, B, C, D, E

   (scrolling ()
     (make-pane 'interactor-pane)))

If the :pane option is not used, a set of named panes can be specified with the :panes option.
Optionally, :layouts can also be used to describe different layouts of the set of panes.
The value of the :panes option is an alist, each entry of which is of the form (name . body).
name is a symbol that names the pane, and body specifies how to create the pane. body is either
a list containing a single element that is itself a list, or a list consisting of a symbol followed by
zero or more keyword-value pairs. In the first case, the body is a form exactly like the form used
in the :pane option. In the second case, body is a pane abbreviation where the initial symbol
names the type of pane, and the keyword-value pairs are pane options. For gadgets, the pane
type is the class name of the abstract gadget (for example, slider or push-button). For CLIM
stream panes, the following abbreviations are defined: See Chapter 29 and Chapter 30 for more information on the individual pane and gadget classes,
and the options they support.

An example of the use of :panes is:
   (buttons (horizontally ()
              (make-pane 'push-button :label "Press me")
              (make-pane 'push-button :label "Squeeze me")))
   (toggle toggle-button
           :label "Toggle me")
   (interactor :interactor
               :width 300 :height 300)
   (application :application
                :display-function 'another-display-function
                :incremental-redisplay t))

The value of the :layouts option is an alist, each entry of which is of the form (name layout).
name is a symbol that names the layout, and layout specifies the layout. layout is a form like the

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A, B, C, D, E