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27.6 The Command Processor

Once a set of commands has been defined, CLIM provides a variety of means to read a command.
These are all mediated by the Command Processor.

=> read-command command-table &key (stream *query-io*) command-parser command-unparser
partial-command-parser use-keystrokes
read-command is the standard interface used to read a command line. stream is an extended
input stream, and command-table is a command table designator.

command-parser must be a function of two arguments, a command table and a stream. It reads
a command from the user and returns a command object. The default value for command-parser
is the value of *command-parser*.

command-unparser must be a function of three arguments, a command table, a stream, and a
command to "unparse". It prints a textual description of the command its supplied arguments
onto the stream. The default value for command-unparser is the value of *command-unparser*.

partial-command-parser must be a function of four arguments, a command table, a stream, a
partial command, and a start position. The partial command is a command object with the
value of *unsupplied-argument-marker* in place of any argument that needs to be filled in.
The function reads the remaining, unsupplied arguments in any way it sees fit (for example, via
an accepting-values dialog), and returns a command object. The start position is the original
input-editor scan position of the stream, when the stream is an interactive stream. The default
value for partial-command-parser is the value of *partial-command-parser*.

command-parser, command-unparser, and partial-command-parser have dynamic extent.

When use-keystrokes is true, the command reader will also process keystroke accelerators. (Im-
plementations will typically use with-command-table-keystrokes and read-command-using-
to implement the case when use-keystrokes is true.)

Input editing, while conceptually an independent facility, fits into the command processor via its
use of accept. That is, read-command must be implemented by calling accept to read command
objects, and accept itself makes use of the input editing facilities.

=> with-command-table-keystrokes (keystroke-var command-table) &body body [Macro]
Binds keystroke-var to a sequence that contains all of the keystroke accelerators in command-
's menu, and then executes body in that context. command-table is a command table desig-
. body may have zero or more declarations as its first forms.

=> read-command-using-keystrokes command-table keystrokes &key (stream *query-io*) command-
parser command-unparser partial-command-parser
Reads a command from the user via command lines, the pointer, or a single keystroke, and
returns either a command object, or a keyboard gesture object if the user typed a keystroke that

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