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=> find-keystroke-item gesture command-table &key (errorp t) [Function]
Given a keyboard gesture gesture and a command table, returns two values, the command menu
item associated with the gesture and the command table in which it was found. (Since keystroke
accelerators are not inherited, the second returned value will always be command-table.)

This function returns objects that reveal CLIM's internal state; do not modify those objects.

Note that gesture may be either a keyboard gesture name of a gesture object. When it is a
gesture name, eql will be used to compare the supplied gesture to the gesture names stored in
the command table's menu. When it is a gesture object, event-matches-gesture-name-p will
be used to do the comparison.

If the keystroke accelerator is not present in command-table and errorp is true, then the command-
error will be signalled. command-table is a command table designator.

=> lookup-keystroke-item gesture command-table [Function]
Given a keyboard gesture gesture and a command table, returns two values, the command menu
item associated with the gesture and the command table in which it was found. Note that gesture
may be either a keyboard gesture name of a gesture object, and is handled in the same way as
in find-keystroke-item. This function returns objects that reveal CLIM's internal state; do
not modify those objects.

Unlike find-keystroke-item, this follows the sub-menu chains that can be created with add-
. If the keystroke accelerator cannot be found in the command
table or any of the command tables from which it inherits, lookup-keystroke-item will return
nil. command-table is a command table designator.

=> lookup-keystroke-command-item gesture command-table &key numeric-arg [Function]
Given a keyboard gesture gesture and a command table, returns the command associated with
the keystroke, or gesture if no command is found. Note that gesture may be either a keyboard
gesture name of a gesture object, and is handled in the same way as in find-keystroke-item.
This function returns objects that reveal CLIM's internal state; do not modify those objects.

This is like find-keystroke-item, except that only keystrokes that map to an enabled appli-
cation command will be matched. command-table is a command table designator.

numeric-arg (which defaults to 1) is substituted into the resulting command for any occurrence
of *numeric-argument-marker* in the command. This is intended to allow programmers to
define keystroke accelerators that take simple numeric arguments, which will be passed on by
the input editor.

Minor issue: Do the above three functions need to have their hands on the port? If
event-matches-gesture-name-p needs the port, then the answer is yes. Otherwise, if gesture
names are "global" across all ports, then these don't need the port. | SWM

=> substitute-numeric-argument-marker command numeric-arg [Function]

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