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Given a command-line name name and a command table, returns two values, the command
name and the command table in which the command was found. If the command is not acces-
sible in command-table and errorp is true, the command-not-accessible error will be signalled.
command-table is a command table designator.

find-command-from-command-line-name ignores character case.

=> command-line-name-for-command command-name command-table &key (errorp t) [Function]
Returns the command-line name for command-name as it is installed in command-table. command-
is a command table designator.

If the command is not accessible in command-table or has no command-line name, then there are
three possible results. If errorp is nil, then the returned value will be nil. If errorp is :create,
then a command-line name will be generated, as described in add-command-to-command-table.
Otherwise, if errorp is t, then the command-not-accessible error will be signalled. The returned
command-line name should not be modified.

This is the inverse of find-command-from-command-line-name. It should be implemented in
such as way that it is fast, since it may be used by presentation translators to produce pointer

=> command-table-complete-input command-table string action &key frame [Function]
A function that can be used as in conjunction with complete-input in order to complete over
all of the command lines names accessible in the command table command-table. string is the
input string to complete over, and action is as for complete-from-possibilities.

frame is either an application frame, or nil. If frame is supplied, no disabled commands should
be offered as valid completions.

command-table-complete-input could be implemented by collecting all of the command line
names accessible in the command table and then calling complete-from-possibilities, or it
could be implemented more efficiently than that (such as by caching a sorted list of command
line names and using a binary search).

=> global-command-table [Command Table]
The command table from which all other command tables inherit by default. Programmers
should not explicitly add anything to or remove anything from this command table. CLIM can
use this command to store internals or system-wide commands and translators (for example,
the translator that implements the "identity" translation from a type to itself). Programmers
should not casually install any commands or translators into this command table.

=> user-command-table [Command Table]
A command table that can be used by the programmer for any purpose. CLIM does not use it
for anything, and its contents are completely undefined.

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