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tion query-identifier cache-value cache-test resynchronize [Method]

Displays the prompt prompt on the stream stream and creates an area (the "button"). When a
pointer button is clicked in this area at runtime, the continuation will be called. continuation is
a function that takes no arguments. view is a view.

prompt may be either a string (which will be displayed via write-string), or a form that will
be evaluated to draw the button.

documentation is an object that will be used to produce pointer documentation for the button.
It defaults to prompt. If it is a string, the string itself will be used as the pointer documentation.
Otherwise it must be a function of one argument, the stream to which the documentation should
be written.

When resynchronize is true, the dialog will be redisplayed an additional time whenever the
command button is clicked on. See the resynchronize-every-pass argument to accepting-values.

cache-value and cache-test are as for updating-output. That is, cache-value should evaluate to
the same value if and only if the output produced by prompt does not ever change. cache-test is
a function of two arguments that is used to compare cache values. cache-value defaults to t and
cache-test defaults to eql.

This function may only be used inside the dynamic context of an accepting-values.

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