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=> read-token stream &key input-wait-handler pointer-button-press-handler click-only [Function]
Reads characters from the interactive stream stream until it encounters a delimiter or activation
gesture, or a pointer gesture. Returns the accumulated string that was delimited by the delimiter
or activation gesture, leaving the delimiter unread.

If the first character of typed input is a quotation mark (#\"), then read-token will ignore
delimiter gestures until until another quotation mark is seen. When the closing quotation mark
is seen, read-token will proceed as above.

If the boolean click-only is true, then no keyboard input is allowed. In this case read-token will
simply ignore any typed characters.

input-wait-handler and pointer-button-press-handler are as for stream-read-gesture.

=> write-token token stream &key acceptably [Function]
write-token is the opposite of read-token given the string token, it writes it to the interactive
stream. If acceptably is true and there are any characters in the token that are delimiter
gestures (see the macro with-delimiter-gestures), then write-token will surround the token
with quotation marks (#\").

Typically, present methods will use write-token instead of write-string.

24.5 Completion

CLIM provides a completion facility that completes a string provided by a user against some set
of possible completions (which are themselves strings). Each completion is associated with some
Lisp object. CLIM implementations are encouraged to provide "chunkwise" completion, that
is, if the user input consists of several tokens separated by "partial delimiters", CLIM should
complete each token separately against the set of possibilities.

=> *completion-gestures* [Variable]
A list of the gesture names that cause complete-input to complete the user's input as fully as
possible. The exact global contents of this list is unspecified, but must include the :complete
gesture name.

=> *help-gestures* [Variable]
A list of the gesture names that cause accept and complete-input to display a (possibly input
context-sensitive) help message, and for some presentation types a list of possibilities as well.
The exact global contents of this list is unspecified, but must include the :help gesture name.

=> *possibilities-gestures* [Variable]
A list of the gesture names that cause complete-input to display a (possibly input context-

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