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A, B, C, D, E


Input editor command Suggested
key binding
Forward character control-F
Forward word meta-F
Backward character control-B
Backward word meta-B
Beginning of line control-A
End of line control-E
Next line control-N
Previous line control-P
Beginning of buffer meta-<
End of buffer meta-<
Delete next character control-D
Delete next word meta-D
Delete previous character Rubout
Delete previous word m-Rubout
Kill to end of line control-K
Clear input buffer varies
Insert new line control-O
Transpose adjacent characters control-T
Transpose adjacent words meta-T
Yank from kill ring control-Y
Yank from presentation history control-meta-Y
Yank next item meta-Y
Scroll output history forward control-V
Scroll output history backward meta-V

An implementation of the input may also support "numeric arguments" (such as control-0,
control-1, meta-0, and so forth) that modify the behavior of the input editing commands. For
instance, the motion and deletion commands should be repeated as many times as specified by
the numeric argument. Furthermore, the accumulated numeric argument should be passed to
the command processor in such a way that substitute-numeric-argument-marker can be used
to insert the numeric argument into a command that was read via a keystroke accelerator.

24.2 Activation and Delimiter Gestures

Activation gestures terminate an input "sentence", such as a command or anything else being
read by accept. When an activation gesture is entered by the user, CLIM will cease reading
input and "execute" the input that has been entered.

Delimiter gestures terminate an input "word", such as a recursive call to accept.

=> *activation-gestures* [Variable]
The set of currently active activation gestures. The global value of this must be nil. The exact
format of *activation-gestures* is unspecified. *activation-gestures* and the elements
in it may have dynamic extent.

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