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Like stream-read-char, except that if no character is available the function returns false.

=> stream-peek-char stream [Generic Function]
Returns the next character available in the input stream stream. The character is not removed
from the input buffer. Thus, the same character will be returned by a subsequent call to stream-

=> stream-listen stream [Generic Function]
Returns true if there is input available on the input stream stream, false if not.

=> stream-read-line stream [Generic Function]
Reads and returns a string containing a line of text from the input stream stream, delimited by
the #\Newline character.

=> stream-clear-input stream [Generic Function]
Clears any buffered input associated with the input stream stream, and returns false.

22.2 Extended Input Streams

In addition to the basic input stream protocol, CLIM defines an extended input stream protocol.
This protocol extends the stream model to allow manipulation of non-character user gestures,
such as pointer button presses. The extended input protocol provides the programmer with
more control over input processing, including the options of specifying input wait timeouts and
auxiliary input test functions.

=> extended-input-stream [Protocol Class]
The protocol class for CLIM extended input streams. This is a subclass of input-stream. If you
want to create a new class that behaves like an extended input stream, it should be a subclass
of extended-input-stream. Subclasses of extended-input-stream must obey the extended
input stream protocol.

=> extended-input-stream-p object [Function]
Returns true if object is a CLIM extended input stream, otherwise returns false.

=> :input-buffer [Init Arg]
=> :pointer [Init Arg]
=> :text-cursor [Init Arg]
All subclasses of extended-input-stream must handle these initargs, which are used to specify,
respectively, the input buffer, pointer, and text cursor for the extended input stream.

=> standard-extended-input-stream [Class]

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