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=> stream-write-string stream string &optional (start 0) end [Generic Function]
Writes the string string to the output stream stream. If start and end are supplied, they are
integers that specify what part of string to output. string is returned as the value.

=> stream-terpri stream [Generic Function]
Writes an end of line character on the output stream stream, and returns false.

=> stream-fresh-line stream [Generic Function]
Writes an end of line character on the output stream stream only if the stream is not at the
beginning of the line.

=> stream-finish-output stream [Generic Function]
Ensures that all the output sent to the output stream stream has reached its destination, and
only then return false.

=> stream-force-output stream [Generic Function]
Like stream-finish-output, except that it may immediately return false without waiting for
the output to complete.

=> stream-clear-output stream [Generic Function]
Aborts any outstanding output operation in progress on the output stream stream, and returns

=> stream-advance-to-column stream column [Generic Function]
Writes enough blank space on the output stream stream so that the next character will be written
at the position specified by column, which is an integer.

15.2 Extended Output Streams

In addition to the basic output stream protocol, CLIM defines an extended output stream
protocol. This protocol extends the stream model to maintain the state of a text cursor, margins,
text styles, inter-line spacing, and so forth.

=> extended-output-stream [Protocol Class]
The protocol class for CLIM extended output streams. This is a subclass of output-stream.
If you want to create a new class that behaves like an extended output stream, it should be a
subclass of extended-output-stream. Subclasses of extended-output-stream must obey the
extended output stream protocol.

=> extended-output-stream-p object [Function]

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