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Draws the pattern pattern on the sheet sheet at the position (x;y). pattern is any design created
by make-pattern. clipping-region and transformation are as for with-drawing-options or any
of the drawing functions.

Note that transformation only affects the position at which the pattern is drawn, not the pattern
itself. If a programmer wishes to affect the pattern, he should explicity call transform-region
on the pattern.

Drawing a bitmap consists of drawing an appropriately aligned and scaled pattern constructed
from the bitmap's bits. A 1 in the bitmap corresponds to +foreground-ink+, while a 0 corre-
sponds to +background-ink+ if an opaque drawing operation is desired, or to +nowhere+ if a
transparent drawing operation is desired.

Drawing a (colored) raster image consists of drawing an appropriately aligned and scaled pattern
constructed from the raster array and raster color map.

draw-pattern* could be implemented as follows, assuming that the functions pattern-width
and pattern-height return the width and height of the pattern.
 (defun draw-pattern* (sheet pattern x y &key clipping-region transformation)
   (check-type pattern pattern)
   (let ((width (pattern-width pattern))
         (height (pattern-height pattern)))
     (if (or clipping-region transformation)
       (with-drawing-options (sheet :clipping-region clipping-region
                                    :transformation transformation)
         (draw-rectangle* sheet x y (+ x width) (+ y height)
                          :filled t :ink pattern))
       (draw-rectangle* sheet x y (+ x width) (+ y height)
                        :filled t :ink pattern))))

14.6 Examples of More Complex Drawing Effects

Painting a gray or colored wash over a display. Specify a translucent design as the
ink, such as :ink (compose-in +black+ (make-opacity 0.25)), :ink (compose-in +red+
(make-opacity 0.1))
, or :ink (compose-in +foreground-ink+ (make-opacity 0.75)). The
last example can be abbreviated as :ink (make-opacity 0.75). On a non-color, non-grayscale
display this will usually turn into a stipple.

Drawing a faded but opaque version of the foreground color. Specify :ink (compose-
over (compose-in +foreground-ink+ (make-opacity 0.25)) +background-ink+)
to draw
at 25% of the normal contrast. On a non-color, non-grayscale display this will probably turn
into a stipple.

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