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The resulting pixmap will be width units wide, height units high, and as deep as is necessary to
store the information for the sheet. The exact representation of pixmaps is explicitly unspecified.

The returned value is the pixmap.

=> deallocate-pixmap pixmap [Generic Function]
Deallocates the pixmap pixmap.

=> pixmap-width pixmap [Generic Function]
=> pixmap-height pixmap [Generic Function]
=> pixmap-depth pixmap [Generic Function]
These functions return, respectively, the programmer-specified width and height, and the depth
of the pixmap pixmap.

=> copy-to-pixmap sheet sheet-x sheet-y width height &optional pixmap (pixmap-x 0) (pixmap-y
0) [Generic Function]
Copies the pixels from the sheet sheet starting at the position specified by (sheet-x,sheet-y) into
the pixmap pixmap at the position specified by (pixmap-x,pixmap-y). A rectangle whose width
and height is specified by width and height is copied. sheet-x and sheet-y are specified in user
coordinates. (If sheet is a medium or a stream, then sheet-x and sheet-y are transformed by the
user transformation.)

If pixmap is not supplied, a new pixmap will be allocated. Otherwise, pixmap must be an object
returned by allocate-pixmap that has the appropriate characteristics for sheet.

The returned value is the pixmap.

=> copy-from-pixmap pixmap pixmap-x pixmap-y width height sheet window-x window-y [Generic Function]
Copies the pixels from the pixmap pixmap starting at the position specified by (pixmap-x,pixmap-
) into the sheet sheet at the position (sheet-x,sheet-y). A rectangle whose width and height is
specified by width and height is copied. sheet-x and sheet-y are specified in user coordinates. (If
sheet is a medium or a stream, then sheet-x and sheet-y are transformed by the user transforma-

pixmap must be an object returned by allocate-pixmap that has the appropriate characteristics
for sheet.

The returned value is the pixmap.

This is intended to specialize on both the pixmap and sheet arguments.

=> copy-area sheet from-x from-y width height to-x to-y [Generic Function]
Copies the pixels from the sheet sheet starting at the position specified by (from-x,from-y) to the
position (to-x,to-y) on the same sheet. A rectangle whose width and height is specified by width

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