Bureau 323, Bâtiment du LaBRI (A30), 0540 00 60 84, strandh@labri.fr
The purpose of this project is to implement an undo protocol (the description of which will be supplied) mainly for Emacs, but which will be sufficiently general that it can be integrated into any interactive application.
While interacting directly with Emacs, the user will be able to undo and redo an arbitrary number of operations, except that redoing undo operations and undoing redo operations will not be possible through this mode of interaction. These operations require the user to interact with a CLIM gadget that will be partially supplied, and which should be completed.
A PC with GNU/Linux. A recent version (at least 0.8.17) of the SBCL system (a free implementation of Common Lisp), GNU Emacs, SLIME (Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs), and possibly McCLIM.