Bureau 323, Bâtiment du LaBRI (A30), 0540 00 60 84, strandh@labri.fr
The purpose of the project is to implement a protocol (the definition of which will be supplied) for managing a buffer of text (Unicode) efficiently. The protocol contains functionality for modifying and accessing the contents of the buffer, and for maintaining a certain number of marks corresponding to positions in the buffer.
In order to allow a compact representation of the characters in the buffer when few of them are outside of the range defined by ISO-latin-1, while still allowing all Unicode characters to be present, the physical representation consists of a 2-3-tree (which might be supplied) of lines of text, each line being represented by a flexichain of characters (the implementation of which will be supplied).
A PC with GNU/Linux. A recent version (at least 0.8.17) of the SBCL system (a free implementation of Common Lisp), GNU Emacs, SLIME (Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs), and possibly McCLIM.