Pierre Hanna: Sound Modeling
Noisy Sound Analysis, Transformation, Modeling and Synthesis

CNSS model: Colored Noise by Sum of Sinusoids

with Myriam Desainte-Catherine
  • Sound examples

    Synthetic sounds (flat spectral envelope), 44100Hz, 16bits, mono, wav format. Synthesis with 1024 samples using component offset method.
    gaussian white noise
    CNSS white noise
    Harmonicity : noise with L parameter = 0 (insect-like sound) and noise with L parameter = 1 (liquid-like sound)
    Impulsive noise : noise with P parameter = 1 (no pulse, white noise) and noise with P parameter = 0 (mpulsive noise)

    Time stretching with CNSS model

    Original sounds recorded in SCRIME studio, 44100Hz, 16bits, mono, wav format. Analysis with 4096 samples, resynthesized with 1024 samples using component offset method.
  • Article

    JASP 2005 article
    PhD Thesis
  • A New Analysis Method for Sinusoids+Noise Spectral Models
    with Guillaume Meurisse and Sylvain Marchand
  • Sound examples

  • Article

    DAFX 2006 article