;;; This file contains the needed mechanism to make a title to the page, and
;;;  a menu at the top of it.
;;; License GPL
;;; Authors: Martin Quinson

;;; To use it, you have to declare a menu-list tag, explaining what is your
;;;  menu organization. For example, I have a file called customization.wml,
;;;  which contains the following:
;;;     <define-tag menu-list>
;;;       home/
;;;       academia/ 
;;;       academia/publications/
;;;       academia/fast/
;;;       academia/fast/download/:down.php
;;;       academia/fast/install/
;;;       academia/fast/use/:fast_use
;;;       hacking/
;;;     </define-tag>
;;;  Then, I load it in all my pages on the very first line:
;;;    #include "customize.wml"
;;;  Spaces can be used (protected by '\')
;;;  PHP files MUST HAVE their extention writen, and NOT html files

;;;  Afterward, I call the macro in this file (banner.wml), indicating which
;;;   file we are building:

;;;   #include <banner.wml> title="Mt's Homepage" path="home/"

;;;  title will be used twice. In the html <title>, and at the top,
;;;    to make a beautiful box containing it on the page.

;;;  path is the filename, and should match one of the lines in menu-list.
;;;  Update (Vince) : path is not used anymore.
;;;                   ========================
;;;    The line from the menu is selected from the name of the macro
;;;    OUTPUTFILENAME set in the Makefile (it's the name of the output
;;;    without the html extention)
;;;  TODO : use the automatique variable WML_SRC_FILENAME or WML_SRC_BASENAME
;;;    (take care of php)

;;; Please note that the name of the file and the name of the entry don't
;;; have to be the same. If they are different, append the filename (without
;;; the extension) to the name  of the entry, separated by a colon (:)


;;; Detail of the content:
;;;  - Tags:
;;;    header: The header at the top of the page.
;;;  - Perl functions:

;;;    menu_do: Main function. build the menu, and output it

;;;    menu_parse: take a space separated list of entries, and build an
;;;                internal perl structure of it
;;;    menu_add_item: Add an item (recursively) to the menu. 
;;;                   Returns the modified version
;;;                   Used in menu_parse

;;;    menu_output: outputs the visible part of #menu# from #path#
;;;                 ARGS: (path,menu)

;;;    menu_dump: debugging purpose
;;;               ARG: (menu)

;;; This is the name of the main file, ie, the one containing the header. 
;;;  This is used by several tags around there.
<define-tag mainfile whitespace=delete>
  ;;;$mypath = $path;
  ;;;$mypath =~ s|^([^/]*/)*([^/]+)/?$|$2|; 
  ;;;$mypath =~ s|^[^:]*:(.*)|$1|; 

#include <php.wml>
#include <template.wml>
;;; #include <gettext.wml> Do not include it anymore, it does not work

;;; header tag
;;;  The header at the top of the page.
;;;   Arg: title.

<define-tag header endtag=required>
    <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="navOutline">
	  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
	    <tr class="content">
	      <td class="leftNavTitle" valign=middle>
     <preserve title><set-var %attributes>
      my $title;<perl:assign $title><get-var title /></perl:assign>
      my $string = substr($title,0,1);
      <perl:print> $string </perl:print>
	      <td width="100%" class="rightNavTitle">
       my $title;<perl:assign $title><get-var title /></perl:assign>
       my $string = substr($title,1,(length $title)+1);
       $string = isotitlestring $string;
       <perl:print> $string</perl:print>
     <restore title>
	      <td class="navBarColor" colspan="3">

my $debug=0;

# sub filename
#  Find the file name and the menu entry

sub filename {
  my $begin=shift;
  my ($title,$filename);

  if ($title =~ m/:/) {
    $filename =~ s/^(.*):([^:]*)$/$2/;
    $title = $1;
  if ($filename !~ m/\./) {
  return ($title,$filename);

# sub menu_add_item
#  Add an item (recursively) to the menu. Returns the modified version

sub menu_add_item {
  my $menu=shift;
  my $item=shift;
  my ($begin,$end)=($item,"");
  my ($title,$filename);
  if ($item =~ m,^([^/]*)/(.*)$,) {
  return $menu if ($item eq "");# stop the recursive call when nothing to do

  if (!defined($menu->{'size'})) {
      # new entry
  } else {
      # old entry. Search if this already exists
      my $i=0;
      for ($i=0 ;
	     && defined($menu->{$i}) && defined($menu->{$i}->{'title'})
	     && $menu->{$i}->{'title'} ne $begin ;
	   $i++) {
	  #Nothing more to do for the search

      if ($i==$menu->{'size'}
	  || !defined($menu->{$i}) 
	  || !defined($menu->{$i}->{'title'})) {
	  # Not found
	  $menu->{'size'}=$menu->{'size'} + 1;
      } else {
	  # found
  return $menu;

# sub menu_parse
#  take a space separated list of entries, and build a menu of it.

sub menu_parse{
  my $list=shift;
  my $menu;

  foreach my $item (split(/\n\s*/,$list)) {
    $item =~ s/\s*$//;
  menu_dump($menu,0) if $debug;
  return $menu;

# sub menu_dump
#  debugging purpose
sub menu_dump{
  my $menu=shift;
  my $level=shift||0;

  print "------ DUMP MENU (begin)\n" if $level == 0;
  for (my $i=0;$i<$level;$i++) {
      print "  ";
  if (!defined($menu->{'size'})) {
      print "()\n <par>";
  } else {
      print $menu->{'title'}." (size=".$menu->{'size'}.").\n";
      for (my $i=0;$i< ($menu->{'size'}||0);$i++) {
  print "------ DUMP MENU (end)\n" if $level == 0;

# sub menu_output
#  outputs the visible part of #menu# from #path#

sub menu_output {
    my $path=shift;
    my $menu=shift;
    my $res="";
    my $post;

    my $open="<img src=\"Utils/Icons/folder-open.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
    my $closed="<img src=\"Utils/Icons/folder-closed.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
    my $item="  ";

    return unless (defined($menu->{'size'}) || defined($menu->{'title'}))
	          && ($menu->{'size'} != 0 || $menu->{'title'} ne "");
    if ($menu->{'size'} != 0) {
	$res .= "<table border=0><tr>\n";    
    for (my $i=0 ; $i<$menu->{'size'} ; $i++) {
        my $filename,$title;
        $res .= "<td valign=top><table border=0>\n<tr><td class=menu>";
	# Add the cruft to mark open and closed folders
	if ($menu->{$i}->{'size'} > 0) {
	    if (defined($menu->{$i}->{'title'})
		&& defined($path->[0])
	        && $menu->{$i}->{'title'} eq $path->[0]) {
	      $post = $open;
	    } else {
	      $post = $closed;
	} else {
	  $post = $item;
	# Add the link to this page
	$res .= "<a href=\"".$filename."\" ";
	$post .= $title."</a>  </td>";
	if ($i < $menu->{'size'}-1) {
	    $post .= "</tr>\n"; #<tr>
	if (defined($menu->{$i}->{'title'})
	    && defined($path->[0])
	    && $menu->{$i}->{'title'} eq $path->[0]) {
	    my $class = defined($path->[1]) ? "navBar" : "highlightNav";
	    $res .= " class=\"$class\">";
#	    $res .= " class=\"highlightNav\">";
	    $res .= $post;
	    shift @$path;
	    $res .= "<tr><td>".menu_output($path,$menu->{$i},1)."</tr>";
	} else {
	    $res .= "class=\"navBar\">$post"; 
	$res .= "</table></td>\n";#</tr> en tete
    if ($menu->{'size'} != 0) {
	$res .= "</tr></table>";
    return $res;

# sub menu_build_path
#  build menu path from filename
sub menu_build_path {
    my $filename=shift;
    my $menu=shift;

    return "" unless (defined($menu->{'size'}) || defined($menu->{'title'}))
	&& ($menu->{'size'} != 0 || $menu->{'title'} ne "");
    ;;;warn ($menu->{'filename'} . " ... " . $filename);
    if ($menu->{'filename'} eq $filename) {
	;;;    warn $menu->{'title'};
       return $menu->{'title'};
    for (my $i=0 ; $i<$menu->{'size'} ; $i++) {
        my $path=menu_build_path($filename, $menu->{$i});
	if ($path ne "") {
	    ;;;warn $menu->{'title'};
	    return $menu->{'title'} . "/" . $path;
    return "";

# sub menu_do
#  build the menu, and output it

sub menu_do {
    my $path=shift;
    my $list=shift;

    my $menu=menu_parse($list);
    if ($path eq "") {
       $path=menu_build_path("$(OUTPUTFILENAME)", $menu);
       $path =~ s,^/,,;
    ;;;warn $path;

{#banner#: \
<header title="$(title)"> \
<perl> \
  $menu=menu_do("$(path)","<menu-list>"); \
  <perl:print>$menu</perl:print> \
</perl> \
</header> \

my $tit;<perl:assign $tit>$(title)</perl:assign>
$tit =~ s/_/ /g;
;;; FIXME $tit = gettext $tit;