UE: Introduction au monde quantique
Licence Internationale, année 2, second semestre, 2016/2017
Enseignant: Géraud Sénizergues (Professeur d'Informatique).
Subjects (to be presented by the students):
- 1-Quantum key-exchange protocol BB84:
Utilisation en grandeur reelle:
(elections en Suisse, etc ...)
Students: A. Veschambre, S. Toth
- 2-Quantum Circuits:
Quantum versus classical circuits.
Logical design.
Physical realisation.
a bunch of slides
- 3-Teleportation:
Some experimental realizations:
article de presse
Students: A. Bouneau, R.R. Khelafi
- 4-D-wave:
Founded in 1999, D-Wave Systems is the world's first quantum computing company.
What kind of computers does it develop ?
What kind of factories (or public institutions) buy its computers ?
D-wave web-site
Students: S. Tricoire, Gabriel Weil
Talk: Thursday April 6th.
- 5-Quantum-ID:
The commercial society quantumID
develops several quantum systems (though not a full quantum-computer).
The company has realized several world premieres in quantum technology innovation.
Describe the products of this society as well as its customers.
quantumID web-site
Projects (to be prepared by the students):
List of subjects
2- Planned courses:
Introduction to quantum computing.
1- Problems raised by the physical laws which are valid at the
scale of single particles:
- can we "read " information without destroying it ?
- can we "transmit" information ? (seems difficult since we cannot copy
a physical state)
- since the evolution of any system must be described by a unitary transformation,
only reversible computations are allowed. What kind of functions
are "reversibly computable"?
2- Some historical corner-stones:
70: Study of reversible computation [Landauer, Bennett]
80: Tentative to simulate efficiently on a classical computer the quantum phenomena.
Due to the difficulties, inversion of the objectives:
what could we compute with quantum computers? [R. Feynman]
84: Quantum cryptography [Bennett, Brassard ]
85: Universal quntum machine [D. Deutsch]
94: Polynomial quantum algorithm for the factorization problem (P. Shor)
2004: Teleportation
2012: Haroche is awarded the Nobel prize in physics. Some of his works
are related to quantum computing (he gave lectures at ENS Lyon, 2007. on this subject).
1- What is a q-bit ?
Example of a polarized photon. Information carried by the polarization-direction.
2- What operations can we perform on a q-bit ?
- measurement
- evolution
(recalls on Hilbert-spaces; recalls on the postulates of quantum mechanics)
Quantum cryptography.
[Bennett-Brassard 84] protocol allows to agree on a secret-key, using
an authentified channel. Description of the protocol.