Modeling biologic
networks to use them with heterogeneous treatments.
M. Beurton-Aimar, S. Pérès, N. Parisey, C. Nazaret, J.P. Mazat
In Proceeding of
Modélisation et simulation de processus biologiques dans le contexte
de la génomique - 2003 - Dieppe(France).
How to lock a model from a miscomposition of objects ?
M. Beurton-Aimar, S. Pérès, N. Parisey, J.P. Mazat.
In Proceedings of 13th
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, july 21-25 2003, Darmstadt.
Virtual mitochondria and their control
Marie Aimar, Bernard Korzeniewski, Jean-Pierre Mazat and Christine Nazaret.
Modelling and simulation of biological processes in the context of
genomics, Autrans (France), March 18 - 21, 2002.
Virtual Mitochondria : Metabolic Modelling And Control
Marie Aimar, Stéphane Ludinard, Bernard Korzeniewski, Jean-Pierre Mazat and Christine Nazaret.
International Journal on Molecular and Cellular Biology(Kluwer
Academic Publishers), vol 29:1-2, p227-232, 2002..
PaLaDeM : a Pattern Language for a Decision
Making System in Medicine (ps abstract).
M. Beurton-Aimar et B. Le Blanc.
IPMU2000, 8th Conference on Information Processing
and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Madrid
(Espagne), July 3 - 7, 2000.
Decision Making System in Inflammatory Rheumatology using Different
Reasoning Methods (ps abstract).
M. Beurton-Aimar, B. Le Blanc. International Journal of Computers and
their Applications, 6 (2): 73-77, 1999.
Medical KBS Design with Patterns (ps).
M. Beurton-Aimar. 9th Workshop for PhD Students
in Object Oriented Systems. Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'99
Workshops, Panels, and Posters, Lisbonne (Portugal), 14-18 juin
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1743.
Using Patterns into the Conception
of a Medical KBS: LADRI, a Software for Diagnosis in Rheumatology. (ps)
M. Beurton-Aimar et B. Le
Blanc. Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'99 Workshops, Panels,
and Posters, Lisbonne (Portugal), 14-18 juin. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1743, (à paraître).
Designing Medical Knowledge-based System from Patterns. (ps abstract)
M. Beurton-Aimar et B. Le Blanc. Proceed. of
the 14th Int. Conference on Computers And Their Applications, pp
218-221, Cancun (Mexique), 7-9 avril, 1999.
LADRI: a Decision Making System in Inflammatory Rheumatology. (ps abstract)
M. Beurton-Aimar, B. Le Blanc et
J.P. Vernhes. Proceed. of the 7th Int. Conference on
Intelligent Systems, pp 51-56, Paris, 1-2 juillet, 1998.
Création d'une base de connaissances objet
pour l'aide au diagnostic en rhumatologie (1) (ps abstract).
M. Beurton-Aimar, J.P. Vernhes, B. Le Blanc, J. Dehais
et R. Salamon. 10ème congrès français de rhumatologie. Rev. du rhumatisme, 11 : 762, 1997.
Logiciel d'aide au diagnostic en rhumatologie inflammatoire (2) (ps abstract).
J.P. Vernhes, M. Beurton-Aimar, B. Le Blanc, J. Dehais
et R. Salamon. 10ème congrès français
de rhumatologie. Rev. du rhumatisme, 11 : 763, 1997.
Modélisation Objet et Aide au Diagnostic : Application à la Rhumatologie Inflammatoire (ps abstract).
M. Beurton-Aimar, J.P. Vernhes, B. Le Blanc, J. Dehais,
2ème Colloque de Sciences Cognitives façade atlantique,
COGNITIQUES/Cognitics, série des sciences cognitives appliquées, 2 : 175, 1996.
Multipoint linkage analysis using
the WPC statistic (ps abstract).
D. Commenges, M. Beurton-Aimar. Genetic
Epidemiology, 17 : 515-519, 1999.
WPC Test based on randomization for analyzing quantitative traits
on simulated pedigrees (ps abstract).
D. Commenges, M. Beurton-Aimar. Genetic
Epidemiology, 14 : 971-4, 1997.
Towards computer-aided diagnosis for white matter abnormalities
Laurent Vallet, Marie Beurton-Aimar Pascal Desbarats, Colette Fabrigoule, Michèle Allard
International Conference on Computer Vision and GraphicsSeptember 22-24, 2004
Warsaw, Poland.