
  1. This version is based on a class InsertionSort, that makes it possible to sort an array of objects. The method of comparison is given using a handle. The test class TestSort shows how to use the sort. Please note the anonymous inner class extending the class InsertionSort.
  2. In this version, InsertionSort sorts arrays of objects implementing an interface Comparable. The classes TestSort and ComparableInt show how to use this version.
  3. In this version, we use the generic interface java.lang.Comparable. The class InsertionSort has been adapted, in the same way as TestSort.
  4. In this version, we have a new sorting class at our disposal: QuickSort. An interface Sort has been added to allow an undifferentiated use of sorts, and InsertionSort has been modified to implement this interface. TestSort has also been modified.
  5. This version adds an interface SortableData, given a type for sortable data. Two implementations have been proposed : SortableArray and SortableList which adapts respectively arrays and instances of List containing comparable objects. SortableArray and SortableList share code thanks to the abstract class SortableComparableData. The classes Sort, QuickSort, InsertionSort, and  TestSort have been modified in order to use instances of SortableData (see the UML diagram).
  6. This version makes it possible to modify the sort order, or more generally to add a comparison function to objects which are not naturally comparable. It is based on the class java.util.Comparator.
    The classes Sort, InsertionSort and QuickSort remain unchanged.
    Contrariwise, the architecture around SortableData have been deeply modified (see the UML diagram). We now find the interfaces IndexedData, ComparableData, SwapableData, the classes SwapableArray and SwapableList, the abstract class ComparableSwapableData, and the two classes SortableComparableData and SortableDataWithComparator.
    The class Comparators makes it possible to combine two instances of Comparator in a lexicographic way, to invert a Comparator, and to have a comparator available from comparable data.
    The classes TestLexicographic and People allow to sort people by their name and first name.
  7. This version adds a tracing functionality (print on stdout the comparisons and the exchanges) or a statistics functionality (count comparisons and exchanges) thanks to decorators SortableDataWithTracer and SortableDataWithStatistics (see the UML diagram). The codes of these two classes have been factorized using an abstract and not public class SortableDataDelegation. The class TestSort has also been modified.
  8. This version helps to use the package sort by providing a "facade" with the class Sorts (for example, if the user just wants to sort an array using quicksort, he doesn't need to understand how to use classes like SortableData). TestSort has also been modified.
  9. This version provides a class ObservableSortableData which decorates SortableData by making instances observable. This version is based on the model Observer/Observable, implemented in the Java API by the classes java.util.Observable and java.util.Observer. Please note that this decoration cannot extend SortableDataDelegation because it must inherit from java.util.Observable. In this case, the lack of a corresponding interface makes the delegation impossible. Two classes of observer are proposed : one for tracing the sort on the standard output (AsciiTracer), the other for tracing the sort in a graphical window (WinTracer). TestSort has also been modified. Please note the use of a public internal class in ObservableSortableData, the class ObservableSortableData.Operation.
  10. This version makes it possible to dynamically load the class used for sorting. The name of the sort is given as the first parameter of the main method. Only the class TestSort has been modified.
  11. This version makes it possible to visualize at the same time and in parallel several sorts' algorithms into a graphical window. A subpackage sort.trace has been added to separate the classes devoted to vizualisation. Inside sort.trace, we find the class AsciiTracer, unchanged except at the package line, the class WinTracer which is no more a JFrame (an autonomous window), but just a JPanel (a graphical component). This subpackage also contains the class MultipleWinTracer which groups the panels of the different sorts, the slider which controls the speed of the execution, and also manages the threads executing the sorts. The class TestSort has also changed. The rest remains the same.