package curves; /** * represents the (discretized) variations of a numeric function . * @see ExampleTrigo * @see Escalier */ /** * * @author casteran * */ public interface FunctionVariations { /** sets the leftmost point of the considered interval */ public void setXmin(double xmin); /** sets the rightmost point of the considered interval */ public void setXmax(double xmax); /** gets the leftmost point of the considered interval */ public double getXmin(); /** gets the rightmost point of the considered interval */ public double getXmax(); /** gets the minimum value of the function */ public double getYmin(); /** gets the maximum value of the function */ public double getYmax(); /** returns an approximation of the integral of fun */ public double getIntegral(); /** returns the number of steps in the representation */ public int getStepNumber(); /** returns the width of a step */ public double getStepWidth(); /** checks wether the (DISCRETE) function fun has a unique value */ public boolean isConstant(); /** returns the ith step of fun's variations */ public double getStepValue(int i); /** computes the array of the variations of fun */ public void tabulate(int nbStep); }