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5.1.1 Transformation Conditions

=> transformation-error [Error Condition]
The class that is the superclass of the following three conditions. This class is a subclass of

=> transformation-underspecified [Error Condition]
The error that is signalled when make-3-point-transformation is given three collinear image

=> reflection-underspecified [Error Condition]
The error that is signalled when make-reflection-transformation is given two coincident

=> singular-transformation [Error Condition]
The error that is signalled when invert-transformation is called on a singular transformation,
that is, a transformation that has no inverse.

5.2 Transformation Constructors

The following transformation constructors do not capture any of their inputs. The constructors
all create objects that are subclasses of transformation.

=> make-translation-transformation translation-x translation-y [Function]
A translation is a transformation that preserves length, angle, and orientation of all geometric

make-translation-transformation returns a transformation that translates all points by translation-
in the x direction and translation-y in the y direction. translation-x and translation-y must be
real numbers.

=> make-rotation-transformation angle &optional origin [Function]
=> make-rotation-transformation* angle &optional origin-x origin-y [Function]
A rotation is a transformation that preserves length and angles of all geometric entities. Rota-
tions also preserve one point (the origin) and the distance of all entities from that point.

make-rotation-transformation returns a transformation that rotates all points by angle (which
is a real number indicating an angle in radians) around the point origin. If origin is supplied it
must be a point; if not supplied it defaults to (0;0). origin-x and origin-y must be real numbers.

=> make-scaling-transformation scale-x scale-y &optional origin [Function]
=> make-scaling-transformation* scale-x scale-y &optional origin-x origin-y [Function]

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