X-Splines : a Spline Model designed for the End-User
Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick
SIGGRAPH'95 (Los Angeles, USA), p377-386, August 1995 (489858 bytes)
This paper presents a new model of spline curves and surfaces. The
main characteristic of this model is that it has been created from
scratch by using a kind of mathematical engineering process. In a
first step, a list of specifications was established. This list groups
all the properties that a spline model should contain in order to
appear intuitive to a non-mathematician end-user. In a second step, a
new family of blending functions was derived, trying to fulfill as
many items as possible of the previous list. Finally, the degrees of
freedom offered by the model have been reduced to provide only shape
parameters that have a visual interpretation on the screen. The
resulting model includes many classical properties such as affine and
perspective invariance, convex hull, variation diminution, local
control and C2/G2 or C2/G0 continuity. But it also includes
original features such as a continuum between B-splines and
Catmull-Rom splines, or the ability to define approximation zones and
interpolation zones in the same curve or surface.
Dernière mise à jour le 10.10.96 par Christophe Schlick