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Example of a session

Command: Load Spec
spec filename: WRS.txt
Command: Nf Automaton
Command: Redex Automaton
Command: Reducible Automaton
Command: Complement Automaton
Command: Equality Automaton
equality with automaton: nf
Command: Retrieve automaton
automaton name: redex
Command: Inclusion automaton
inclusion in automaton: reducible
Command: Empty intersection?
emptyness of intersection with automaton: nf
Command: Intersection automaton
Intersection with automaton: nf
Command: Empty automaton?
Command: Load Spec
spec filename: S04.txt
Command: Call by need
Command: Approximation Nv
Command: Call by need
Command: Call by need Extra
Command: Redexes
Command: Needed redexes
Command: Automaton D
Command: Recognized by automaton
Command: Retrieve spec
spec name: WRS.txt
Command: Termset automaton
Command: Accessibility automaton
Command: Needed reduction step
Command: Needed reduction to nf
Command: Retrieve term
term: *(*(0,s(0)),+(0,s(0)))
Command: Parallel outermost step

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