
The documents contained in these directories are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered there works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


More Accurate Representation of Conics by NURBS
Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick
to appear in IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications

Ratioquadrics : an Alternative Model for Superquadrics
Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick
to appear in The Visual Computer


X-Splines : a Spline Model designed for the End-User
Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick
SIGGRAPH'95 (Los Angeles, USA), August 1995

Extended Field Functions for Soft Objects
Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick
Implicit Surfaces'95 (Grenoble, France), p21-32, April 1995

A Generic Implementation of Axial Procedural Deformation Techniques
Carole Blanc
Graphics Gems, vol 5, p249-256, Academic Press


Techniques de modélisation et de déformation de surfaces pour la synthèse d'images
Carole Blanc
Ph.D Thesis (Université Bordeaux I), December 1994

Easy Transformations between Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick
Technical Report 832-94, LaBRI, Univ Bordeaux I (France)

A Generic Implementation of Free Form Deformation Techniques
Carole Blanc
Technical Report 833-94, LaBRI, Univ Bordeaux I (France)

A Methodology for Description of Geometrical Deformations
Carole Blanc, Pascal Guitton, Christophe Schlick
Pacific Graphics'94 (Beijing, China), p49-61, August 1994

Deformation of Spline Surfaces by Normalized Operators
Carole Blanc, Pascal Guitton
Proceedings of the 12e Eurographics Chapter (Oxford, Angleterre), p71-86, Mars 1994


Déformations géométriques par des opérateurs normalisés
Carole Blanc, Pascal Guitton
Proceedings of "Journées GROPLAN 92 (Nantes, France)", p109-116, December 1992

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